Nov 12, 2010

I'm Just Sittin' Here On Capital Hill

America is a great country. 'Nuff said, right? This country all I've ever know. I've grown up in the great state of Oregon. Well, sometimes it's great. I love the beautiful nature, rural feel of the country side, and the terrible economy. Wait what? Yes, Oregon is also riddled with numerous socio-economic problems, stemmed from the Democratic dynasty ruling this state for years. In fact, Oregon can be seen as a miniaturised and saturated version of the country as a whole. The recent elections was a sign that the public is sick of this. Obama has done nothing totally terrible in itself, but as a whole his performance has been under the bar set for him by himself. The recent elections reflected the country’s want for him to do what exactly he promised he would bring. “Change”. Where is that reformation he promised? Long time democratic voters have written off Obama and the democratic party as having a communist-esqe agenda. The message is clear, the jury has spoken. The government is guilty and the public just wants it to do one thing. CHANGE! Provide HOPE!

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  1. cause the republicans would be doing so much more. party doesnt matter, we need a good leader

  2. I never stated that a Republican would do such a better job. I agree we do need a great leader. I want America to become how it was intended. Most Americans do. The fact is that Democrats have leaned away from that, leaving Republicans with more values that parallel that of the country's core values


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