Nov 6, 2010

A Smile to Make the World Go 'round

This blog post was inspired by this short film, which I highly recommend:

After watching this video, I had a question. What do smiles actually do? Smiles. Such an interesting expression. An expression of friendliness, happiness, love, reassurance, pure joy; this list goes on and on. Smiles are natural way we express pure emotion. Just by a quick look, you can tell a lot about a person. You can tell how they fell, if they really feel happy, or it's just a formality. If they have had hardships or a good life. If something is going their way, or if life seems to be running against them. Smiles are powerful indicators of potential problems or great opportunities.
I love a genuine smile. Someone who gives you a real smile. A smile that gives off the feeling of happiness. The contagious, pure kind. Not forced to hide the hurt. On the contrary, such smiles only show it more.
The way the man in the movie produced a genuine smile every time he comes in contact with another is by the power of compliments. Now these compliments are real, not the type that people say to make someone feel good, but real evaluations of peoples beauty. He means every word he says. It's not hard to find real beauty in people. We just have to look hard enough. That's the real way to make people happy. I challenge you to go out and look for beauty in people. Weather you express that observation is up to you. It never hurts to tell someone what you think. As you can see, it just makes people really smile, genuinely happy. If you spread just a little happiness, each person in turn would spread it. If our whole world was happy, we could reduce our problems and set aside our differences. Find love, make friendships, really enjoy life.

Please post your thoughts and comments!

1 comment:

  1. Taylor! It's Ayla. I read what you wrote and I thought it was really good! It is funny that you blog about that kind of stuff; smiling and being happy, because I always find myself writing about that same thing! I would be so happy if everyone could just realize that life isn't meant to be miserable and that if we just spread a little love, life will be great! Nice job.


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